Pop Revision '22
Sometimes it can happen that we don't understand each other, that we are unable to communicate because we are tuned into different channels, sometimes even divergent.
Well. This usually happens among human beings to me but it also happens with paintings. There are, in fact, situations in which, despite having clear ideas about the objective to be achieved in terms of aesthetic/expressive result, through a targeted organization of spaces and the consequent management of color areas, one finds oneself in the end, instead, all 'other side. Often, therefore, against my will, I happen to be taken by the hand by the painting in progress, at which point I just have to 'close my eyes' and let myself be guided in directions that are even different from those I had in mind. Sometimes you manage to achieve a good result, other times, however, you remain in a sort of aesthetic suspension, an expressive limbo which, in some way, must be remedied. In these cases, the lack of a clear and defined identity, of a decisive personality or of overall harmony is highlighted. It often happens, therefore, that I have paintings with which I cannot communicate with 'settled', even for months, while waiting for something to happen that will unblock this impasse. Many of my works are the result of subsequent revisions and reworkings, even radical ones, which preserve almost nothing of the original draft. Pop Revision '22, which began in 2022, represents, for me, a new expressive frontier that arises precisely from the need to offer a second life to 'incomplete' or 'unresolved' works. The idea is to simplify them and make them more accessible and direct to use, therefore subjecting them to a sort of aesthetic metamorphosis. In this process of aesthetic revision I have maintained the original concept of 'geometric' spaces which, however, are now redefined through a strong characterization of the perimeters through the use of a black marker. The contour lines, increased in thickness and smoothed, therefore become the protagonists and, in some way, refer to the pop graphics of the 1960s. The final result redefines the character and personality of the work, giving it at the same time conceptual lightness and greater vitality. |